Achkasova Natalia Nikolaevna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Associate Professor, Department of English and Professional Communication, Financial University under the Government of RF, NNAchkasova@fa.ru, Moscow, Russia

Using the Internet-resources for the Effective Teaching of Students in Public Speaking in English Classes

The study used such methods as the analysis of domestic and foreign literature, the interview method, discussions for feedback after student performances, generalization of pedagogical experience. Results. After analyzing the literature on the research topic, as well as the experience of working and preparing students for mini monologues and public speaking by watching video stories in the style of Ted Talks and other speeches of speakers, we can state that working with such Internet resources is important for students to create motivation for learning a foreign language, broadening one’s horizons and training in public speaking, which today are of paramount importance for business, education and society. The methodological and psychological advantages of using videos in English classes with students of a non-linguistic university are indicated. The methodology of work in the classroom and within the framework of independent training of students at home is presented, the role of individual work, work in groups and consultations with the teacher is shown. Based on the results of the study, priorities have been identified that we define as key for use in preparing for public speaking.
public speaking; videos; monologue speech; Internet resources; motivation

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