Trifonova Svetlana S.
degree applicant, senior lecturer, Krasnoyarsk Regional Institute for Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Education Workers, svetlana-trifonova87@mail.ru, Krasnoyarsk

Diagnosis of the Formation of Communicative Skills in Children 4–5 years old with Disabilities Attending a Preschool Educational Institution

The article deals with the issues of diagnosing the formation of communicative skills in children 4–5 years old with disabilities in a preschool educational institution. Considerable attention is paid to the study of the components that influence the formation of communication skills in 4–5 year old children with disabilities. The results of this diagnostic study will allow a differentiated approach to the development of organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of communicative skills, as well as the intellectual and creative abilities of a modern child. The purpose of the article is to interpret the results of a study of the levels of formation of communicative skills obtained during the diagnosis of components (communicative activity, communicative qualities and communicative actions) that determine the communicative skills of 4–5 year old children with disabilities. Methodology. As part of the scientific work, in substantiating and implementing the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of communicative skills, it was necessary to determine the components of communicative skills that can be used to form communicative skills in play and cognitive activities in children 4–5 years old with disabilities. We have adapted, modified methods for identifying the level of development of communicative activity (M. I. Lisina), determining the communicative qualities of a person and communicative actions (A. M. Shchetinina, M. A. Nikiforova). A significant rank correlation of three components (communicative activity, communicative qualities, communicative actions) made it possible to determine the criteria for the formation of communicative skills (the ability to make contact, maintain a dialogue, take initiative in communication, etc.). Based on the severity of the indicators, the levels of formation of communicative skills in children 4–5 years old with disabilities were developed: a successful level, a sufficient level, an insufficient level. In conclusion, it is concluded that the presented results of a diagnostic study aimed at identifying the levels of formation of the components (communicative activity, communicative qualities, communicative actions) that determine communicative skills, made it possible to trace the dependence of the three components that affect the formation of communicative skills in children 4–5 years with disabilities. These data will allow a differentiated approach to the development of organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of communicative skills.
preschool education; communication skills; levels of formation of communication skills; differentiated approach; organizational and pedagogical conditions; communicative activity; communicative qualities; communicative actions

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