Kazin Eduard Mikhaylovich
Доктор биологических наук, Dr. Sci. (Biolog.), Prof. of the Department of Physiology and Genetics, Kemerovo State University, kazin_valeol@mail.ru, Kemerovo
Kotsar Yuri А.
Кандидат биологических наук, Cand. Sci. (Biolog.), Associate Professor, Head of the Center for Education and Personal Development in Education of the State Educational Institution, Kuzbass Regional Institute of Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers, zentr1118@mail.ru, Kemerovo
Kirichenko Vladimir V.
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Head of structural division ”Pool”, Secondary School No. 36, kirichenkov68@gmail.com, Kemerovo

Implementation of Quality Management Mechanisms of Educational Activity of a Teacher Based on Monitoring the Level of Development of Personal Potential of Students

The article actualizes the problem of developing sound and effective management decisions in order to improve the quality of education. The importance of health-saving and psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process for the implementation of quality management mechanisms of educational activities in school is shown. The purpose of the article is to consider the possibility of implementing mechanisms for managing the quality of educational activities and using components of the modern management cycle to develop effective management decisions based on monitoring the level of development of students’ personal potential; a comprehensive study of tools, methods and technologies in the management structure of the psychological and pedagogical support service aimed at developing the personal potential of students. Methodology. The research is carried out using methods of analyzing the components of the management cycle, evaluating and monitoring the quality management mechanisms of education, taking into account the activities of the support service and the impact of the development of students’ personal potential on the success of their educational activities. The results consist in determining the level of formation and shortcomings of educational quality management mechanisms in order to further improve them for the development of managerial decisions to support a person from a preschooler to a school graduate. The possibility of implementing effective psychological, pedagogical and health-forming support for the management of improving the quality of education is shown. In conclusion, it is concluded that the possibilities of monitoring the quality management mechanisms of education and evaluating the components of the management cycle can be used to form unified approaches to the quality management of education at the regional, municipal and school levels, to create a service of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of students’ personal potential.
quality management of education; socio-adaptive competence of a teacher; personal potential of students; participants in educational relations; monitoring; management cycle; management solutions

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