Baykhanov Ismail В.
rector, Chechen State Pedagogical University, rector@chspu.ru, Grozniy

Conceptual Model of Formation of Electoral Culture of Teacher in Special Cross-Level Educational Environment

The article actualizes the problem of formation of teachers’ electoral culture in a special educational environment. The aim of the article is the conceptual substantiation of the formation of the electoral culture of the teacher on the basis of the creation of a cross-multi-level educational environment. Methodology. In developing the concept of forming the electoral culture of a teacher, the author relied on the methodological framework that includes the positions of dialectical materialism and noosphere approach at the worldview level, systemic and evolutionary approaches at the general scientific level, environmental, competence and activity approaches at the specific scientific level. The technological level is represented by specific technologies, ways, methods, and techniques of forming teachers’ electoral culture. The proposed methodology formed the basis for conducting an empirical study of the level of teachers’ electoral culture formation. The method of polling and questionnaire survey was used. Results of the research. The teachers’ electoral culture is a set of gnoseological (electoral competence), axiological (electoral disposition), praxiological (electoral activity) components which form a relatively stable system of knowledge, values, norms and models of electoral behavior, which are transmitted by a teacher in the course of educational relations and promote formation of civil identity and active life position in all participants of educational process. The traditions of attitudes towards electoral activity are revealed. The analysis of empirical data on the attitude towards electoral activity among teachers in the Chechen Republic is presented. Theoretical substantiation of the construction of a conceptual model for the formation of teachers’ electoral culture in the cross-multilevel educational environment, taking into account the principles of cultural appropriateness, scientificity, and the formation of an individual educational trajectory. Conclusion. Based on the results of two organized surveys among the teachers of the Chechen Republic the generalizing conclusions containing the focus on innovations in the formation and development of electoral culture were made. In this connection, teachers need to master the competencies that allow forming the electoral culture of students: special technologies, oriented to students of different age groups, training sessions with teachers, allowing them to gain confidence in the importance of broadcasting electoral culture, in their own potential.
electoral culture of a teacher; concept; model of formation of electoral culture; special cross-multilevel educational environment

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