Rudakova Elena А.
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Assoc. Prof., Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Novosibirsk Institute of Advanced Training and Retraining of Educational Workers; Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Geometry and Methods of Teaching Mathematics, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, earudakova@yandex.ru, Novosibirsk

Formation of Goal-Setting Skills as an Integral Component of a Teacher’s Professional Development

The article reveals the concept of goal-setting. In defining the concept of a goal, we proceed from the fact that the goal should express the planned results of activities. The goal-setting ability is considered as a system-forming skill both in the preparation of future teachers and in the improvement of professional competencies of practical teachers. The purpose of the article is to present the results of a study on the justification and development of the content of teaching teachers aimed at the formation of goal–setting skills. The methodology of the research is a system-activity approach, in which the results of education are considered as a system-forming component. In the analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature, the concept of goals in teaching was clarified, generalized areas of goal-setting – subject and meta-subject– were identified, problems of the formation of professional competencies of teachers in terms of goal-setting and ways to solve them were identified. The identification of problems in the formation of goal-setting skills occurred both on the basis of the analysis of literature, written works of teachers and students, and in the process of observing their practical activities. As the main methodology for the formation of goal–setting skills, the SMART method was chosen– the method of setting “smart” goals. In the process of teaching mathematics teachers at advanced training courses, as well as teaching students– future teachers, training aimed at developing goal-setting skills using the SMART methodology was conducted as an approbation. In conclusion, conclusions are drawn about the expediency of organizing special training in goal-setting skills for both future teachers and working teachers as part of professional development.
professional competencies; system-activity approach; goal-setting; goal; educational activity; SMART method; “Mirror” methodology; project activity; professional project; educational project

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