Zotova Irina Nikolaevna
Concertmaster of the Department of Special Disciplines, Assistant to the Vice-Rector for Scientific and International Activities of the Saratov State Conservatory named after L.V. Sobinov, Saratov State Conservatory named after L.V. Sobinov, lopato9591@yandex.ru, Saratov

Pedagogical Orientation of the Concertmaster’s Activity as a Condition for the Professional Training of Future Actors (Competence Analysis)

The article actualizes the problem of expanding the use of professional competencies of the concertmaster, raises the question of considering the concertmaster as a subject of pedagogical activity in the framework of training future actors in a theater university, introduces the concept of “concertmaster-teacher”. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the expediency of the pedagogical orientation of the concertmaster’s activity as a necessary condition for the full development of professional competencies by future actors, with the subsequent application of this knowledge in practice. Methodology. The article provides an overview of the theoretical and methodological heritage of leading concertmasters, publications of modern researchers (E. M. Shenderovich, V. N. Chachava, V. N. Biktashev, N. A. Ravcheeva, E. R. Azeeva, etc.), which are devoted to concertmaster work. The author examines the professional competencies of the concertmaster from the point of view of their orientation to pedagogical activity in a theater university, as well as specifies the types of pedagogical activity of the concertmaster and the forms of its application in the system of professional training of future actors. At the same time, on the basis of competence analysis, the correlation between the successful professional training of future actors and the pedagogically-oriented activity of the concertmaster is revealed. The research data are listed in tables that make it possible to visually and simultaneously trace the relationship between various professional competencies and the areas of their application in various fields of activity (both concertmaster and future actors). Examples of successful activities of graduates-actors who have mastered professional training together with an accompanist at a theater university are given. Conclusion. The article concludes that the pedagogical orientation of the concertmaster’s activity is a necessary condition for the professional training of future actors, which is a positive potential in the system of higher theater education.
pedagogical orientation; concertmaster activity; concertmaster-teacher; competencies; future actors; professional training

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