Trifonova Svetlana S.
degree applicant, senior lecturer, Krasnoyarsk Regional Institute for Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Education Workers, svetlana-trifonova87@mail.ru, Krasnoyarsk

The Results of the Introduction into Educational Activities of the Developed Organizational and Pedagogical Conditions or the Formation of Communicative Skills in Children 4–5 Years Old with Disabilities

The article presents the results of the introduction of the developed organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of communicative skills in 4–5 yearold children with disabilities into educational activities. The presented results will update, differentiate the process of formation of communicative skills in children 4–5 years old with disabilities in preschool educational organizations. The purpose of the article is to interpreting the results of the introduction into educational activities of the developed organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of communicative skills in children 4–5 years old with disabilities. Methodology. In the previous article, studies of the components of communicative skills were presented, which can be used in the formation of communicative skills in play and cognitive activities in children 4–5 years old with disabilities. The studies were carried out using adapted, modified methods to identify the level of development of communicative activity (M. I. Lisina), determine the communicative qualities of a person and communicative actions (A. M. Shchetinina, M. A. Nikiforova). Taking into account the results obtained, organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of communicative skills were substantiated and introduced into educational activities. To determine the effectiveness of the developed organizational and pedagogical conditions, a study was conducted using the presented methods, which determines the state of the three components (presented above) after updating the process of forming communication skills in 4–5 year old children with disabilities. In conclusion, it is concluded that the presented data of the diagnostic study prove the effectiveness of the formation of communicative skills in children 4–5 years old with disabilities with the help of the developed organizational and pedagogical conditions. The data obtained will allow not only updating educational activities, but also a differentiated approach to its organization.
preschool education; communication skills; levels of formation of communication skills; differentiated approach; organizational and pedagogical conditions; communicative activity; communicative qualities; communicative actions

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