Al-Jazaeri Mohammed К.
Postgraduate Student, faculty of psychological-pedagogical and special education, Saratov National Research State University named after N. G. Chernyshevsky, mohammed.kadim2021@gmail.com, Saratov

Traditions in the System of art Education in Iraq

The article presents the results of a study of the system of Iraqi art education by including objectively existing and expedient traditions in it in various historical periods of its development. Attention is drawn to the creative searches of artists in the many art schools that appeared in Iraq at the beginning of the 20th century, whose professional activities reflected the implementation of the ideas of modernity or/and its reconciliation with the cultural heritage of the country. As an example in the field of sculpture, the D. Selim Freedom Monument is given, the embodiment of which was based on the idea of combining the ancient history of Iraq with the modern themes, techniques and methods used in art at that time. The current system of art education in Iraq is presented, the starting point of which is the Academy of Fine Arts, which today acts as the leading educational institution of artistic orientation among those located in cities such as Babylon, Basra, Devaniya, Mosul and other art institutions. We consider art education itself as an educational process that helps young people with different views and beliefs learn to understand the language of art, use existing traditions in their artistic work. In conclusion, it is concluded that the system of art education in Iraq continues to work and develop, taking into account long-standing and newly acquired traditions in various art schools, reflecting the views, beliefs of artists in their work, formed under the influence of history, culture, politics, etc. of their country.
traditions; system of art education in Iraq; art education

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