Smyshlyaev Dmitry V.
Director, Kuzbass Center for Physical Education of Children, cd-80@mail.ru, Kemerovo
Kazin Eduard Mikhaylovich
Доктор биологических наук, Dr. Sci. (Biolog.), Prof. of the Department of Physiology and Genetics, Kemerovo State University, kazin_valeol@mail.ru, Kemerovo
Kirichenko Vladimir V.
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Head of structural division ”Pool”, Secondary School No. 36, kirichenkov68@gmail.com, Kemerovo
Panina Tatyana S.
Доктор педагогических наук, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Advisor to the Rector, Russian State Specialized Academy of Arts, panina1510@mail.ru, Moscow
Koshko Natalya N.
Кандидат биологических наук, Cand. Sci. (Biological), methodologist, Kuzbass Regional Center for Psychological, Pedagogical, Medical and Social Assistance “Health and Personal Development”, koshko80@mail.ru, Kemerovo

Features of the Development of the Personal Potential of Adolescents in the System of Additional Education of Physical Culture and Sports Orientation

The purpose of the article is to identify the features of the development of the personal potential of adolescents in the system of additional education of physical culture and sports orientation on the basis of psychophysiological and psychological and social characteristics of adolescent students. The article actualizes the problem of creating organizational and pedagogical conditions during the implementation of the training cycle, adequate to the chosen specialization and regulatory and behavioral vegetative characteristics of students. Methodology. One of the central methodological problems considered in the article is the use of a complex of psychophysiological and psychological-social monitoring. The research of psychophysiological and psychological-social characteristics is carried out with the help of the program complex “School – Adaptation – Health”, which has an author’s certificate. The results of the study. The article presents materials reflecting the peculiarities of the development of the personal potential of adolescents; pedagogical tools, methods and technologies used taking into account the profile of sports specialization, individual typological, regulatory and behavioral mechanisms of the vegetative status of an individual. In conclusion, it is concluded that the development of the personal potential of adolescents is a process of complex influence of psychological and pedagogical factors determined by organizational and pedagogical conditions, the specifics of sports specialization of students based on the use of a health-oriented resource of an educational organization that provides increased physical fitness, psychological stability, individual, communication, improvement of moral and normative values, socialization of the individual, implemented taking into account age, psychophysiological (regulatory-typological) features.
personal potential; additional education of physical culture and sports orientation; adolescents; sports specialization; vegetative status; psychosocial psychophysiological characteristics of the personality

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