Khakimova Nailya G.
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Assoc. Prof., Assoc. Prof. of Department of Pedagogy named after Z. T. Sharafutdinov, Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical University, 340268@mail.ru, Naberezhnye Chelny
Гумерова Марина Миннигалиевна
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Assoc. Prof., head of Department of Pedagogy named after Z.T. Sharafutdinov, Набережночелнинский государственный педагогический университет, roelg@mail.ru, Набережные Челны
Sadykova Liliya R.
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Assoc. Prof., Assoc. Prof. of Department of Psychological-Pedagogical and Specialized Defectology Education, Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical University, s.l.r73@mail.ru, Naberezhnye Chelny

Development of Professional Competencies of Teachers in the Prevention and Elimination of Bullying at School

The article deals with the problem of bullying, presents the experience of working on the formation of professional competence of teachers in matters related to the prevention and elimination of bullying in the school environment. Professional competence is defined by us as the ability and readiness of a teacher to solve pedagogical problems, which is manifested in the methods of professional actions, in behavior, and in the pedagogical position of the teacher. The problem of the article is what are the effective ways and means of developing the competencies of teachers to prevent and eliminate bullying at school. The purpose of the article is to describe and justify the effectiveness of the proposed ways and means of forming the professional competencies of teachers in the prevention and elimination of bullying at school. Methodology. The article presents a methodological description of activities to develop the competencies of teachers in the interaction “university-school”. The content, structure and forms of activity were designed on the basis of diagnosing the level of formation of psychological and pedagogical competencies of teachers. The assessment was carried out by solving case-tasks. The identified problems of teachers determined the program of advanced training for teachers, the topics of seminars, as well as the choice of intensive forms of work. The analysis of the results of the implementation of the advanced training program was based on data compared “before” and “after” (test-retest) the implementation of the advanced training program for teachers. Case-tasks were used to evaluate the effectiveness of the program lessons. Research results. Discussion. A program of advanced training for teachers is presented, aimed at developing the professional competence of teachers to prevent and eliminate bullying at school. Conclusion. The materials for diagnosing the professional competencies of teachers are of practical value for the development of professional development programs for teachers to prevent and eliminate bullying at school.
teacher; educational activities; professional competence; case studies; bullying; bullying participants; bullying prevention; overcoming school bullying; advanced training program; prevention methods

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