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УДК 377.5
Tropnikova Valeriya V.
Lecturer, Novosibirsk Medical College, Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management,, Novosibirsk

Formation of the System of Secondary Vocational Education in Russia: Problems and Development Prospects

The training of personnel as a resource for transformations is associated with the effectiveness of state management decisions in the education sector; the use of both direct, legislative tools, and indirect ones that affect the development of human capital, such as motivation, individualization, increasing the stock of knowledge and professional experience during training. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the role of the state in the development of the system of secondary vocational education; with the identification of factors influencing the stages of its transformation. Methodology. The analysis of literature on the topic of research in the unity of logical and historical methods of cognition is used. Results. It is shown that in all historical periods the state regulation of the education system is significant. At present, the social mission of education has been strengthened; modern positive educational strategies have been developed to fill the labor market. Conclusion. It is determined that the formation of the education system, as a historically established system of personnel training, is associated with the unity and integrity of the general educational space of Russia, the uniqueness of the national educational system. The advantage of the Russian experience is the preservation of traditions and continuity of pedagogical experience, the continuous organization of natural science education, the methodological content of subjects. Initiatives for the further development of the system of secondary vocational education are connected with the political and economic foundations of the transformation. The need to preserve traditional Russian national values while preparing a specialist for a technocratic society seems to be the subject of further discussions.
system of secondary vocational education; science education; state regulation; labor market

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