Shabanov Artyom G.
Кандидат педагогических наук, Assist. Prof. of the Department of Pedagogics and Psychology, Institute of History, Humanitarian and Social Education, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, shabanov_11.01.84@mail.ru, Novosibirsk

Professional Self-determination of Adolescents (on the Example of the Primary Branch of the Russian Movement of Children and Youth)

The article substantiates the significance of the activities of the adviser to the director for education and interaction with children’s public associations for the professional self-determination of adolescents. The socialization of adolescents is an important process in the development of a personality and consists of many aspects, such as socio-economic, political, cultural, professional, etc. Within the framework of this topic, the main aspect of the socialization of adolescents will be social and professional self-determination through the activities of a public organization of children and youth. In our opinion, this is one of the effective means that can help adolescents not only make a more informed choice that comes through understanding their capabilities and goals. The article determines with the help of what methods and forms the successful professional self-determination of adolescents in the public organization of children and youth will be carried out. The purpose of the article is a theoretical substantiation and experimental confirmation of the methods and forms of professional self-determination of adolescents on the example of the primary department of the Russian Movement of Children and Youth. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was: the ideas about the relationship between the individual and the social L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontiev, S. L. Rubinshtein; approaches to the socialization of teachers, psychologists, sociologists A. G. Asmolov, A. V. Petrovsky, A. V. Mudrik, Yu. B. Boltunov, A. I. Shcherbakov, S. G. Gellerstein, the concept of individuality A. Anastasi and L. Tyler; the theory of job satisfaction by Herzberg, the concept of “individual style of activity” by E. A. Klimov, the theory of professional suitability by K. M. Gurevich. In conclusion, the implemented measures for the preliminary selection of children according to their personality type and preferred professional activities in the directions of the primary department of the RDDM, as well as the systematization of career guidance work, are shown.
professional self-determination; adviser to the director of education; socialization; social experience; teenager; movement of children and youth

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