Morozova Olga Petrovna
Доктор педагогических наук, Dr. Sci. (Pedag.), Prof., Prof., Department of Social Psychology and Pedagogical Education, Altai State University, mop@mail.asu.ru, Barnaul

Teacher as Researcher: Professional Training in the System of Classical University Education

The article is devoted to the problem of professional training of a teacher as a researcher in the system of classical university education. Its relevance and significance at the present stage is due to intensively developing innovative processes in various spheres of society that require a person to conduct research, as well as modernization of the education system, which is acquiring a research character in school today. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the results of a theoretical and experimental study of the professional formation of a teacher-researcher in the system of teacher training at a classical university, the effectiveness of the revealed and implemented organizational and pedagogical conditions that optimize this process. The methodology of the research is based on the leading methodological approaches – systemic, subject-activity, dialogical – which in their unity form a methodological platform for the scientific and theoretical substantiation of the system of professional training of a teacher as a researcher at a classical university. The main research methods are the analysis of scientific literature on the problem of research, observation, the method of practical knowledge, generalization and interpretation of the results obtained. The article presents, as well as theoretically substantiates the organizational and pedagogical conditions identified by the author that contribute to the effective preparation of university graduates for research activities, shows the process of their implementation in the educational practice of a classical university. In conclusion, it is concluded that the value potential of classical university education is a powerful factor that optimizes the process of professional training of a teacher-researcher. On the other hand, the innovative transformations taking place in the modern school have a dynamizing influence on it. However, only the implementation of the organizational and pedagogical conditions identified by us creates the most favorable prerequisites for meeting the needs of the educational sector of the region in highly qualified pedagogical personnel with a focus on professional activity as research.
teacher-researcher; professional training; future teachers; organizational and pedagogical conditions; the system of classical university education

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