Krivolapchuk Igor Allerovich
Доктор биологических наук, Dr. Sci. (Biolog), Head of Laboratory of Physiology of Muscular Activity and Physical Training, Institute of the Russian Academy of Education Institute for Developmental Physiology, i.krivolapchuk@mail.ru, Moscow
Chernova Maria Borisovna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Senior Researcher, Institute of the Russian Academy of Education Institute for Developmental, mashacernova@mail.ru, Moscow
Barantsev Sergey Anatolievich
Доктор педагогических наук, Prof., Institute of the Russian Academy of Education Institute for Developmental Physiology, barancev_sergei@mail.ru, Moscow
Krivolapchuk Ivan Igorevich
Researcher, Institute of the Russian Academy of Education Institute for Developmental, i.krivolapchuk@mail.ru, Moscow

Eryday Life Informatization, Morphofunctional and Motor Development of Schoolchildren Aged 11–12 with High and Low Endurance

The study revealed specific features in the everyday life informatization, morphofunctional and motor development of 5th grade students with high and low levels of general and strength endurance. In this study, boys with a high level of general and, to a lesser extent, strength endurance demonstrated a better, as compared with peers with a low level of the motor abilities, reserve of the autonomic system against the background of a shift in the autonomic balance towards a predominance of the parasympathetic system. This group of children had the best morphofunctional and motor development. The results obtained suggest that physical exercises aimed at increasing general and strength endurance can help optimize the use of digital technologies and electronic devices by 11–12-year-old students and have a beneficial effect on their morphofunctional and motor development in today’s information and educational environment.
informatization; digital technologies and electronic devices; morphofunctional and motor development; general and strength endurance

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