Avtushenko Nadezhda V.
Deputy Director, Basic Secondary School No. 19 Leninsk-Kuznetsky city District, nadaj12@mail.ru, Kemerovo region

Development and Approbation of a Pedagogical Model for Activating the Adaptive and Developmental Potential of Younger Schoolchildren Based on the Integration of Motor and Cognitive Activity

The article emphasizes the importance of the process of activating the adaptive and developing potential of primary school children, provided that the school and family cooperate with other organizations and institutions of additional education. Methodology and methods of research. The methodological approach developed by the author and a number of other researchers makes it possible to identify the health-preserving potential of the educational environment of younger schoolchildren, including: the personal potential of students in primary school, the educational potential of parents, the socio-adaptive potential of the teacher. The testing of the model was carried out jointly with the local branch of the RCPMSS of Leninsk-Kuznetsky GO, MBOU DO “Kindergarten No. 61”, MBOU “Gymnasium No. 12”, MBOU “OOSH No. 38”, MBOU “OOSH No. 73”, MBOU “OOSH No. 19” Leninsk-Kuznetsky GO, employees of MBOU “SOSH No. 54” Kemerovo from 2019 to 2022. The results of the study. The presented materials characterize the effectiveness of the developed pedagogical model concerning changes in the indicators of the adaptive-developing potential of younger schoolchildren, improving their physical fitness, activating cognitive functions. A provision is formulated regarding the process of activating the adaptive and developing potential of younger schoolchildren based on the integration of motor and cognitive activity.
adaptive-developing potential (ADP); motor activity; cognitive activity; psychological and pedagogical support service (SPPS)

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