Skrypnikova Ekaterina Michailovna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Associate Professor Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Institute of the History of Humanitarian and Social Education, Novosibirsk state pedagogical university, katrine13@mail.ru, Novosibirsk

Content and Methodological Features of Preparing Bachelor Students for the Activities of a Class Teacher

The relevance of training bachelor students to implement the goals, objectives and functions of the class teacher is associated with modern trends and government requests in the field of ensuring the implementation of educational activities in educational organizations. The purpose of the article is to characterize the content and methodological features of preparing bachelor students at a pedagogical university to implement the activities of a class teacher. Methodology. The study was conducted using an activity-based approach, which made it possible to determine the educational and socializing role of students’ participation in the extracurricular activities of the university and its life, and to consider them as a factor in the formation of professional competencies; ideas of a multi-subjective approach that help determine the potential of relations between subjects of educational activity in the development of the subjectivity of bachelor students and their personal and professional qualities. The research methods are the analysis of scientific literature and normative documentation on the topic, which helps determine the actual content and elements of preparation (curricular and extracurricular activities, university life, internship) of bachelor students for the activities of a class teacher; a method of specification that allows us to characterize the versatility of the content of bachelor’s student training. Research results. An important task in preparing students to perform the functions of a class teacher is the formation of the subjectivity of bachelor students in the course of involving them in educational and extracurricular activities at a pedagogical university, involving them in the life of the university. The article presents the features of the organization of extracurricular activities at the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University using the example of such areas as: student associations, university-wide and departmental events, artistic and scientific activities. The substantive aspects of preparing students for the activities of a class teacher when they master the discipline “Technology and Organization of Educational Practices (Classroom Management) and the practice program “Industrial Pedagogical Practice (Classroom Management)” are built in accordance with the requirements of federal state educational standards and an exemplary work program of education. In conclusion, it is concluded that when preparing bachelor students for the activities of a class teacher, it is important to provide a complex of elements, which include a variety of extracurricular activities and the life of the university; implementation of academic discipline and practice programs; approaches to the implementation of educational activities at a pedagogical university (event-activity, humanistic, systemic).
class teacher; bachelor’s student; extracurricular activities; educational technologies; teaching practice; subjectivity

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