Toktarova Vera Ivanovna
Доктор педагогических наук, Senior Lecturer of the Department of General Educational Disciplines and Teaching Methods, Mari State University, toktarova@yandex.ru, Yoshkar-Ola
Matrosova Natalia
Senior Lecturer of the Department of General Educational Disciplines and Teaching Methods, Mari State University, m.natali378@mail.ru, Yoshkar-Ola

Project Competence of a teacher of the Mari Language and Literature in the Context of Digitalization of Education: Structural and Content Analysis

Today, the formation of project competence is an integral part of the training of a teacher of the Mari language and literature. This characteristic reflects the ability and readiness of the teacher to lead and implement ethnocultural projects in the context of digitalization of education. The purpose of the article is to reveal and justify the concept of “project competence of a teacher of the Mari language and literature”, to determine its structure and content in the context of digitalization of education. Methodology. The methodological base of the study was made up of regulatory documents, modern works of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of digital transformation of education and project management. Theoretical, empirical and mathematical methods used in the study. Research results. The paper substantiates the significant role of project activities in the preparation of a teacher of the Mari language and literature. An overview of the definitions of “project competence” in the studies of domestic and foreign scientists is given, an analysis of their key and structural components is made. The definition of “project competence of a teacher of the Mari language and literature” is given, structural components and content are identified and described. Aspects of the influence of digitalization on the process of forming the project competence of a teacher of the Mari language and literature are displayed. The program of additional professional education “Digital projects on the Mari language and literature” is developed and proposed, its structure and content are described. In conclusion, it is concluded that project competence is an integral part of the training of a teacher of the Mari language and literature and is a complex integrated characteristic consisting of motivational, cognitive, activity, cultural and reflective components. Its formation is greatly influenced by the ongoing processes of digitalization.
digitalization of education; project competence; Mari language and literature; teacher; educational program

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