Alferenko Dmitriy A.
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Director, Kuzbass Pedagogical College, dalf2000@mail.ru, Kemerovo

Human Capital in Russian and International Research

Introduction to the problem. Social and economic transformations associated with the transition to the information society are constantly taking place in the modern world, which places a number of relevant issues for researchers. Human capital is a specific resource of the information society. The formation and development of human capital, the use of its potential becomes important on a par with the development of engineering, technology, industry as a whole. The aim of our research presented in the article is to define the concept of “development of human capital of a teacher training college student” through the analysis of theoretical representations, approaches to the development of “human capital” in domestic and foreign scientific researches. The article considers the concept of human capital in theoretical concepts, domestic and foreign researchers’ approaches. The stages of studying the concept of “human capital” in the context of historical periods of social and economic development of society are defined. Interdisciplinary relations in the formation of the definition of human capital under the influence of new emphases, trends of its understanding and development are presented. Interdisciplinary approach served as the methodological basis of the study, theory of human capital development under social transformation conditions. Research results. The analysis of research of domestic and foreign authors made it possible to identify the structure and significant components of the concept of human capital, which contributed to the definition of the concept “development of human capital of a teacher training college student”. Conclusion. The definition of the concept “development of human capital of a teacher training college student” makes it possible to take a new look at professional pedagogical education, identify opportunities for development of human capital of a teacher training college student, and determine the factors influencing this process.
human capital; analysis; interdisciplinary relations; students; teacher training college

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