Sayapin Vasily N.
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Assoc. Prof., Prof. of the department of technological education, Saratov State University, sayapinvn16@gmail.com, Saratov
Sayapina Nataliya N.
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Assoc. Prof., Assoc. Prof. of the department of educational methodology, Saratov State University, sayapinanat@mail.ru, Saratov

Activation of Learning and Cognitive Activity of Intending Teachers During tea Transition from Distange to Classroom Learning

Introduction. The study analyzes activation of the learning and cognitive activity of intending teachers in the context of transition from distance learning, that was carried out in universities of our country during the pandemic, to real classroom education. The purpose of the article is to show that under the conditions mentioned activation of learning and cognitive activity of intending teachers is of vital importance and has some new meaning. Methodology: concept of learning activity, approaches to organise education process (activity, competence, and personal ones). Methods of the study: theoretical – analysis of scientific literature on the problem, anal- ysis of educational programmes for Baccalaureat 44.03.01 (Pedagogical education) of different profiles; projecting educatiinal resources snd means aimed at activating learning and cognitive activity of intending teachers; practical – pedagogical observation, interview. Results of the study. The following components of the learning and cognitive activity of intending teachers are presented: the goal-setting, content-related, operational and activity-based, and evaluative components. The significance is attached to the fact that activation of the learning and cognitive activity of intending teachers is a holistic and complete process. It involves each of the components of the analyzed activity and ensures their consistent realization, starting with the goal-setting component and ending with the evaluative one. In accordance with these components, the article presents the ideas about the activation of learning and cognitive activity of intending teachers in the context of transition from distance to traditional classroom learning. The article concludes by stating that due to quite a long distance-learning period during the pandemic and the necessity to use distance-learning technologies, teachers and students have accumulated a lot of experience working with information and communication technologies. In the realities of the face-to-face classroom education this experience takes them to a new level of interaction in the process when intending teachers study the subjects included in the curriculum. This sets the aims of searching for optimal ways of activating their learning and cognitive activity.
activation of learning and cognitive activity; intending teachers; pandemic; distance learning; classroom learning

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