Fisenko Alexey A.
Assistant of the Department of Correctional Pedagogy, Saratov State Universit, fisenko_sgu@mail.ru, Saratov

A Tutor’s Role in the System of Pedagogical Support of Students

The article examines the role and importance of tutors’ work in the system of pedagogical support of students. The introduction of the article clarifies such concepts as “guidance” and “support” in terms of providing support to those students who have special educational needs and those who do not. It is said about pedagogical support in the system of psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive education. The article also explains what is required of tutors to do and what part they play in the system of pedagogical support. The purpose of the article is to determine a tutor’s role in the system of pedagogical support, as well as to assess how students perceive the tutor’s work in terms of interpersonal interaction; based on the research results, the article strives to give tutors recommendations to facilitate their work in the system of pedagogical support of students. Methods. The methodological basis of the study was the works of O.S. Gazman and his followers concerning pedagogical support. The way how students perceive a tutor’s work in the system of pedagogical support was assessed with the help of the questionnaire. 190 people (first– and second – year students) took part in the survey. We assume that the interviewed students have an insufficiently developed level of independence, and, consequently, students will choose ped- agogical support, rather than pedagogical support, as a curator’s activity. Based on the research results, tutors are given recommendations on how to organize necessary events for students. With the help of the proposed activities, in our opinion, it is possible to increase the effectiveness of the curator’s activities. The activities are aimed at developing and supporting students of the following skills: communication skills, self-regulation skills, skills to find the necessary informa- tion, conflict resolution skills, terrain and indoor orientation skills, as well as professional skills corresponding to the student’s specialty. Based on the results of the study, we conclude that in their activities, the curator is recommended to use a strategy of support, not guidance, for the development of students’ independence. This study is aimed at studying the effectiveness of the system of pedagogical support of students, as well as at making a tutor’s work efficient.
tutor; pedagogical support of students; pedagogical guidance; interpersonal inter- action; study group

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