Selivanova Yuliya Viktorovna
Доктор социологических наук, Dr. Sci. (Sociolog.), Prof., Chief of Department, Saratov State University N. G. Chernyshevskij, juliaselivanova@mail.ru, Saratov
Sharov Alexey A.
Кандидат психологических наук, Cand. Sci. (Psychol.), Assist. Prof. of the Department of Educational Psychology and Psychodiagnostics, Saratov State University, sha555da@mail.ru, Saratov
Hmelkova Olga V.
Кандидат психологических наук, Cand. Sci. (Psychol.), Assist. Prof. of the Department of Special Need Education, Saratov State University, hmelkova2810@gmail.com, Saratov

Correlation Between Characteristics of Personal Self-Determination and the Perception of the Pandemic by Students with Disabilities

The article draws attention to the necessity to study factors and mechanisms of personal self-determination in conditions of limited life resources when interacting with an increasingly complex social environment (as exemplified by the perception of the COVID-19 pandemic), as well as its influence on the psyche and socio-psychological characteristics of young students, including those with disabilities. The purpose of the study is to identify and substantiate the correlation between the characteristics of personal self-determination and the perception of the pandemic by students with disabilities. Methodology. The original technique, developed by the authors, was applied to study factors and mechanisms of personal self-determination in conditions of limited life resources. The Fear of COVID-19 Scale and the “COVID-19 Pandemic Perception Questionnaire” were used to measure the perception of the pandemic. Statistical data processing was used to identify correlations between the categories under study. Research results. The study has revealed the correlations between the factors of personal self-determination and the scales of pandemic perception by students with disabilities: reinterpretation of their own life goals and activities taking into account preventive measures; threat to the implementation of the plans for the future of students with disabilities, increase in the role of control over the situation, limitation of the students’ social activity during the pandemic, reinterpretation of the personal attitude to the chosen profession, activation personal adaptation resources within the framework of learning activities and overcoming difficulties during academic interaction. Conclusion. The data obtained contributes to the study of the perception of the pandemic by students with disabilities; the data can also be used to build a model of support for students with disabilities within an increasingly complex social environment. This model development should be based on the identified factors of personal self-determination and their correlation with the characteristics of perception and attitude towards COVID-19.
activity; personal self-determination; students with disabilities; coronavirus infection; life threat; fear; pandemic control; adaptation resources

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