Koshcheeva Olga V.
Кандидат филологических наук, Cand. Sci. (Philol.), Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Speech Therapy and Psycholinguistics, Pedagogical and Special Education, Saratov State University, olga-kosheeva@yandex.ru, Saratov

Lesson Fragments Modelling in the System of Practical Training of Speech Therapy Students

The study investigates the effective techniques to train primary skills of organizing and conducting speech therapy classes with speech therapy students. The article demonstrates that lesson modelling is a necessary and important technique that functions as an intermediate link between lesson plan preparation and its implementation. The purpose of the study is to determine the tasks and the most effective ways to use lesson modelling in the system of practical training of speech therapy students. Methodology and research methods: experimental analysis of typical mistakes made at the primary stage of lesson plan implementation by speech therapy students; comparative analysis of the tasks set before speech therapy students in the course of their professional training at the stages of note taking, modelling and implementation of lesson fragments; systematization of the main aspects of lesson modelling taught in various modules of specialized speech therapy disciplines. Research results. The research has revealed that lesson modelling of speech therapy classes increases the effectiveness of students’ training in their work with children and adults with speech disorders, as well as in family counseling and other areas of their professional activity. It is shown that there are certain skills that are best practiced at the first stages of lesson modelling; they include the skills of competent selection of speech material, tasks distribution in the overall structure of a lesson and the development of various models of a speech therapist’ speech behavior when working with different categories of persons with speech disorders. The article concludes by summarizing the data on the role, tasks, content and characteristic features of lesson modelling in the system of practical training of speech therapy students, and the prospects for the development of this method.
speech therapy in the system of higher education; practical training of speech therapy students; modelling of speech therapy classes

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