Shchetinina Elena Borisovna
Кандидат социологических наук, associate Professor of the Department of correctional pedagogy, Saratov state national research University, ebp1976@mail.ru, Saratov
Solovieva Olga V.
Кандидат социологических наук, Cand. Sci. (Sociol.), Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Special Education, Saratov State University, olvassol@mail.ru, Saratov

Implementation of Coaching Techniques to Provide Persons with Disabilities with Psychological and Pedagogical Support

The article discusses the prospects of implementing the basic coaching techniques to provide students with disabilities with psychological and pedagogical support. The purpose of the article is to identify and evaluate the potential to use coaching techniques to teach students with disabilities in higher educational institutions. Methods. Participant observation was used as the main research method. We have attempted to introduce coaching techniques while consulting students on research work, writing term papers and completing practical assignments during internships. Research Results. The research has shown that coaching techniques are instrumental in increasing the autonomy of students with disabilities; additionally, they help to form the necessary experience of independent scientific activity; this experience enables students to set and adjust research goals, select the methods and evaluate the research results. Also, the implementation of coaching techniques encouraged students with disabilities to engage in social interaction within the higher education environment; besides, it motivated them to build life plans and fulfil them. Conclusion. Thus, the research demonstrates that university instructors may use coaching techniques in individual counseling of students with disabilities; coaching techniques stimulate the personal and scientific activity of students with disabilities, they encourage students to participate in scientific conferences and prepare publications.
psychological and pedagogical support; students with disabilities; coaching; coaching techniques in education; inclusive education

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