Stepanov Paul Valentinovich
Кандидат педагогических наук, Candidate of Pedagogical Science, senior scientist theory of education, FGBNU ISTO RAO, semya-2005@yandex.ru, Moscow


There are problems, which are considered as the key and fundamental ones in any science. One of such problems is the problem of the reliability of the results achieved in scientific studies, the authenticity of the concepts, theories, models, proposed by the pedagogical science, which describe and should explain these or other phenomena of education. This article undertakes the attempt to study the epistemological problems of the theory of education in the context of the methods for their solution proposed by the modern philosophy of science. The article touches upon the questions of the authenticity of the results of the studies and their verification or falsification; also the standards of scientific rationality and their impact upon the quality of the research; the status of the explaining models used by the researcher; the professional expertise of the developed models, the concepts, theories and role of the pedagogical community in this process.
education, the theory of education, epistemology, the explaining models, verification, falsification, expertise

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