Ankvab Marina Fiodorovna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages Department, Abkhazian State University, ankvab.marina@yandex.ru, Sukhum


The article reveals the content of the concept named “Abkhazian national pedagogics” as means of opposing to possible negative consequences of the Republic of Abkhazia integration into the world community. Its goal is to preserve ethnic identity of the people. The author focuses the main attention on the ancient traditions, norms and the nation’s way of life expressed in the concept «apsuara». Its main components are specified, offered and discussed as the tenets of younger generation upbringing. Their application needs to be expanded at all spheres and fields of the Abkhazian education system.
tenets of upbringing, principles of education; Abkhazian national pedagogy; ethnic pedagogy of Abkhazia; apsuara; the Republic of Abkhazia; Abkhazian people; educational system of Abkhazia, national enlightenment.

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