378:78.01+ 785
Frolova Natalia Aleksandrovna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Candidate of Pedagogic Science, Professor of Instrumental performance Department, Samara State Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities, alex11@telenettv.ru, Samara


The article reveals the current importance of autodidactics problem; the understanding of autodidactics is explained as the separate division of didactics; in the context of professional student training in higher educational institution the essence and the notions of “autodidactics” and “autodidactic processes” (ADP) are introduced. Concerning the process of training students-musicians in the performance class the author considers the peculiarities of performance training in higher educational institution; distinguishes the reasons preventing the successful realization of ADP. The author defines the types of musical-performance activity targeted at self-education: playing in a band contributes to anticipation development, self-confidence; playing music from the list activates performance and musical and intellectual resources of the individual; sketch playing of musical material helps students to develop creativity, coordinate personal ability with the profession demands; independent learning of musical piece develops creative initiative and critical thinking.
autodidactics; autodidactic processes (ADP); types of musical-performance activity – band music playing, playing music from the list, sketch playing of musical material, independent learning of musical piece.

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