Basumatorova Ekaterina A.
Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages, State Agrarian University of the Northern Urals, kasumovaga@gausz.ru, Tyumen
Chaynikov Artem V.
3rd year student, State Agrarian University of the Northern Urals, vasilevaaa@gausz.ru, Tyumen

Creation of a Program for Demonstration and use in the Educational Process of Material on the Discipline Physics

Introduction. The article presents a description of the program developed by the authors, which demonstrates the dependencies in Ohm’s law for a section of a chain and Ohm’s law for a complete chain. This program demonstrates the possibilities of using information technology in the educational process at universities. The program was created in the Clickteam Fusion 2.5 environment for the Windows operating system, to create demonstrations at laboratory and practical classes in the discipline of physics for higher educational institutions. The purpose of the article is to study and consider the application of information technology in the study of the basics in the physics course. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that it describes a program that was created as a prototype to demonstrate the possibilities of creating and conducting laboratory and practical work in physics and other technical disciplines. Methodology and methods of research. Search for forms of visual and at the same time correct presentation of the taught material using the developed program. The results of the study. The development of original algorithmic demonstration programs at the university helps to attract students to work on the material. The article analyzes the necessity and relevance of using information technologies in the educational process of the university, as well as discusses ways to implement them in practice. Conclusion. This concept can be used in the development of laboratory work and recommendations so that students can independently gain knowledge in various disciplines, and the program is also provided to further stimulate students’ interest in their professional activities.
program; demonstration; work; physics; training; educational process; information technology; method; laboratory work; discipline

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