Yarmak Kirill Vladimirovich
Кандидат юридических наук, Head of the Department of Educational and Methodological Work, Moscow University of MIA of Russia named by V.Y. Kikot, kirill.77@mail.ru, Moscow

System Analysis of Indicators of the Effectiveness of Digital Support of the Educational Process

The article considers digital support of the educational process, which is an important aspect of the organization of education at the present stage of development. It can significantly improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning, but requires a scientifically sound approach to assessing its effectiveness. Regardless of the perspective from which effectiveness is considered (from the individual’s point of view, from the University’s point of view, or from society’s point of view), there are a number of common criteria that are used to evaluate it. The purpose of this study is to conduct a systematic analysis of indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of digital support for education. For this purpose, various methods of scientific knowledge were used, including empirical and theoretical methods, as well as qualitative methods. The result of the work was a systematic consideration of indicators in the structure of the system of effectiveness criteria, which will help to monitor and evaluate the digital support of education at all levels in relation to all its subjects. When assessing effectiveness, it is very important to consider several criteria rather than focusing on a single aspect. This is because an impact can be effective in achieving one goal, but have negative consequences in other areas. Taking into account multiple criteria allows for a complete and balanced evaluation. We propose to consider the evaluation of the effectiveness of digital support of the learning process through the analysis of effectiveness criteria, which are classified into five major groups. We emphasize didactic, process, motivational, competence and value criteria. In our opinion, this structure best expresses a set of indicators, using which the implementation of efficiency assessment will be effective.
digital support; performance assessment; performance criteria; performance indicators; learning process

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