Fetisov Alexandr S.
Доктор педагогических наук, Dr. Sci. (Pedag.), Assoc. Prof., Voronezh State Pedagogical University, asfet-2011@mail.ru, Voronezh
Kudinova Yulia V.
Кандидат исторических наук, Cand. Sci. (Historic), Assoc. Prof., Voronezh State Pedagogical University, kudjulia@mail.ru, Voronezh

A Retrospective of Specialized Psychological and Pedagogical Classes and Technology of their Practical Implementation in a Pedagogical University

The article provides a historical overview of the development of psychological and pedagogical classes, as well as the current state of the network of psychological and pedagogical classes in the Russian Federation. The importance of psychological and pedagogical classes in the system of pre-professional pedagogical training is shown. The purpose of the article is to analyze the retrospective of specialized psychological and pedagogical and to show the technology of their practical implementation in a pedagogical university. The main methods of this article are: content analysis of the concepts of “pre-professional pedagogical training” and “psychological and pedagogical class”, analysis of scientific and methodological literature, analysis of historical and pedagogical, normative and comparative sources, as well as the results of domestic and international studies of specialized pedagogical classes, their formation, specialization, features of manifestation in different regions and model specifics. The results of the study. It is revealed that the idea of creating specialized psychological and pedagogical classes is not new. The conducted historical and pedagogical analysis showed that pedagogical classes arose in the middle of the XIX century and are connected with the history of the formation of women’s education in Russia. Over more than a century of history, teaching classes have acquired new formats, been abolished several times and revived again. A new period in the history of specialized psychological and pedagogical classes began in 2021 with the adoption of the Concept of specialized psychological and pedagogical classes. The technology of practical implementation of the Concept of specialized psychological and pedagogical classes in a pedagogical university is shown on the example of one of the models. The experience of organizing psychological and pedagogical classes in the Voronezh region is analyzed. In conclusion, conclusions are drawn about the importance of psychological and pedagogical classes in the system of continuing pedagogical education, as well as the integration of pedagogically gifted schoolchildren into professional community at the stage of studying at school. Various model organizations in the educational practice of psychological and pedagogical classes contribute to increasing the status of a teacher, as evidenced by the practice of the Voronezh region on the example of the Voronezh State Pedagogical University.
specialized psychological and pedagogical classes; the concept of psychological and pedagogical classes

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