797.21-056.24: 615.825.4
Hoffmann Elena Veniaminovna
аспирант кафедры теоретических основ физического воспитания института физической культуры, спорта и здоровья им. И.С. Ярыгина, КГПУ им. В.П. Астафьева, Институт физической культуры, спорта и здоровья им. И.С. Ярыгина, КГПУ им. В.П. Астафьева, elena-gofman@mail.ru, Красноярск

Physical Activity as a Means of Adaptation of People with Impaired Health

The article examines the benefits of physical activity for people with impaired health using the example of cancer patients. The features of the use of swimming and running for the rehabilitation of patients are considered. The purpose of the article is to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the considered types of physical activity for people with impaired health. The swimming study was conducted on an experimental group formed on the basis of the NGO “Together against Cancer” (Krasnoyarsk). The author has developed training conditions, created methods for dynamic adaptation of physical activity in the form of exercises, training distances, theoretical approaches have been confirmed experimentally. The analysis of the test results was carried out and the structuring of the collected material was performed. To conduct research on the impact of running on rehabilitation processes, a theoretical analysis of scientific, psychological, pedagogical, sociological and normative literature was performed and specific examples of participants in competitions were considered. Running does not require the study of special techniques, but an initial level of physical fitness is required to enter the training process, which is excluded if the adaptive swimming technique developed by the author is used. When using it, the set of muscles involved in the training process expands, which has a greater restorative effect on the entire body. Swimming is therefore more suitable for people with poor health and is often the only acceptable form of physical activity.
physical activity; swimming; systematic training; rehabilitation; improvement of physical capabilities; restoration of mental balance; running

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