Rogacheva Olga Viktorovna
assistan, Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky, 766saratov.olga@mail.ru, Saratov

Factors and Motives for Professional Self-Determination

The article is devoted to the study of factors and motives that determine professional self-determination. The article examines the content of the concepts “career guidance”, “professional self-determination”, “professional identity”. The aim of the article is to determine the factors and motives influencing the choice of profession. Under the term “vocational guidance” it is proposed to understand the free and independent choice of profession in accordance with the abilities, aptitudes, interests and desires of the individual, requiring personality-oriented assistance aimed at preparing young people to choose a profession. The term “professional self-determination” is interpreted as a long and continuous process of purposeful work, conscious creative and professional choice of a person seeking to form himself as a full-fledged participant of the community of professionals, requiring individual assistance starting from the stage of choosing a future profession. “Professional identity” should be considered as a set of leading characteristics of a person’s professional development, personal and professional values, reflecting the unity of a person with his activity in interaction with a professional group. The research methodology consists of a comprehensive comprehensive study of the choice of future profession by a person depending on vocational guidance, professional self-determination, development of professional identity, indicating the psychological acceptance of the chosen professional activity, as well as depending on some factors that determine such a choice. Methods of research: general theoretical – analysis, synthesis of materials from scientific sources on the stated topic, empirical – diagnosis of factors of choice of future profession by students, statistical calculations of the obtained data. Conclusion. The article emphasized objective and subjective factors that are taken into account when choosing a profession. According to the results of the research on revealing the motives for choosing a profession of 1st year students of Saratov State Medical University named after V. I. Razumovsky, according to the original methodology of E. A. Klimov, it is proved that the choice of profession is mostly influenced by such motives as the desire to build their professional path in an exciting and useful way for other people, and only then there is a desire to ensure their material well-being.
choice of profession; career guidance; professional self-determination; professional identity; pedagogical support

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