Guseinova Elena Lazarevna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Assist. Prof. of Mechanics and Machine Building Technology, Institute of Oil and Gas, Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (Branch of the City of Oktyabrsky), guseinova_elena@hotmail.com, Oktyabrsky

Application of Virtual Laboratory Work in the Educational Process of the University

The article is devoted to conducting a laboratory workshop in the study of technical disciplines. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the possibility of using virtual laboratory work in a laboratory workshop at a technical university. Methodology. Based on the widespread development of digital technologies and their introduction into the pedagogical process of a technical university, the possibility of using virtual laboratory work is considered. The method of pedagogical experiment was used to check the effectiveness of virtual laboratory work by students of the oil and gas specialty when studying the discipline “Hydroaeromechanics in Drilling”. General requirements for conducting laboratory work on stationary benches and virtually are considered. Didactic principles of conducting laboratory classes using virtual works are noted. The process of developing and designing virtual labs, consisting of three stages, is presented. An analysis of the positive and negative aspects of the use of virtual works is carried out. The experience of conducting virtual work at the Institute of Oil and Gas of the Ufa State Petroleum Technological University is presented. A detailed description of the work “Sedimentation and removal of sludge particles” is given, during which the process of transporting sludge to the day surface is mathematically modeled. Objective difficulties for carrying out laboratory work on stationary stands to demonstrate the process of drilling wells are presented. The advantages of using virtual works to study the drilling process are noted. The positive results of virtual laboratory work are described.
laboratory workshop; laboratory work; virtual laboratory work; hydroaeromechanics in drilling

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