Arlasheva Lyudmila Vyacheslavovna
chemistry teacher, Staropesterevskaya Secondary School, Belovsky Municipal District, arlasheva@mail.ru, Kuzbass

Implementation of a Teacher’s health-preserving Competence in the Process of Adaptive and Developmental interaction between Subjects of Education

The article discusses the issue of implementing the health-preserving competence of a teacher at the present stage of modernization of education in Russia. A pedagogical model for the implementation of the health-preserving competence of a teacher is presented. The possibility of a variable part of educational programs through the introduction of a software and technological complex for preparing teachers for activities to improve the adaptive and developmental potential of students. The purpose of this article is to present pedagogical conditions developed and tested on the basis of experimental data and a model for the implementation of a teacher’s health-preserving competence. Methodology. One of the central methodological problems discussed in the article is the identification of the relationship between the readiness of teachers for health-preserving activities and the ability to implement the health-preserving competence of a teacher in the process of adaptive and developmental interaction of subjects of education in class and extracurricular activities. Research results. Materials are described that show that as a result of the combined pedagogical, socio-pedagogical, psychological-pedagogical, medical-physiological-pedagogical interaction of subjects of education, the psychological-pedagogical, didactic and information-technological health-preserving competencies. In conclusion, it is concluded that the implementation of a teacher’s health-preserving competence should be considered as a process of purposeful and consistent adaptive and developmental interaction between subjects of education, promoting the build-up of information technology, psychological, pedagogical and didactic health-preserving pedagogical competencies.
implementation of health-preserving competence of a teacher, information technology, psychological-pedagogical and didactic health-preserving pedagogical competencies, technological complex, special course, adaptive and developmental potential

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