Karpova Lyudmila Grigorievna
Кандидат психологических наук, Candidate of Psychological Sciences,Associate Professor at the Department of pedagogy, psychology and social the work, Omsk Academy of the Humanities, ludmilaomsk@rambler.ru, Omsk


Given article is devoted theoretical judgement and the experimental analysis of psychological mechanism of creative abilities of younger schoolchildren. Reveals the psychological essence of creative abilities, their structure, the main indicators of development of creative abilities. Consider a mechanism of mastering and development of roles, а mechanism of imitation and mechanism self-appraisal. It is shown the experimental that the most effective thing are the mechanism of mastering and development of roles and mechanism of imitation in primary of junior school age. The theoretical and empirical analysis of specificity of interrelation of psychological mechanism and theirs role of younger schoolchildren of creative abilities.
creative abilities, psychological mechanism of creative abilities of children, a mechanism of mastering and development of roles, а mechanism of imitation and mechanism self-appraisal.

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