Shisharina Natalia Victorovna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Assoc. Prof. of pedagogy, Irkutsk State University, nshisharina@yandex.ru, Irkutsk (Russia)

Ideas of Collaboration and Convergence in Education: to the Essence of Concepts

Artificial intelligence, distance and hybrid formats, Internet challenges that create the opportunity to search for original ideas in the educational space, actualize such resource contents as collaboration and convergence, which create opportunities for improving education as a complex phenomenon of challenges and opportunities, meanings and values in a changing world. The purpose of the article. To methodologically substantiate and theoretically develop a model of education based on the ideas of two innovative paradigms – collaboration and convergence, to reveal their essential resource characteristics in relation to the phenomenon of “education”. Methodology. The basis of the methodology of the model developed by us is the ideas of the scientific school of L. I. Novikova, N. L. Selivanova, P. V. Stepanov, T. A. Romm, M. V. Shakurova. The systemic and interdisciplinary approaches formed the basis for the selection of the content and types of educational activities in the organization and implementation of the educational process. “Collaboration” and “convergence” as pedagogical phenomena of the interdisciplinary approach constitute the methodological integral core of the model, which is characterized by organization, openness, internal activity, dynamism and integration, and promising cooperation. Results. The analysis of sources allowed us to reveal the essence of the concepts: “collaboration” and “convergence”. In the course of the study, we established two facts: on the one hand, collaboration and convergence are tools and mechanisms for improving the organization of education; on the other hand, the synthesis of ideas of collaboration and convergence – create conditions for the value and semantic space in improving and enriching the phenomenon of modern education. Conclusion. The author’s contribution consists in the theoretical and methodological substantiation and development of a model based on the ideas of collaboration and convergence in education, its essential characteristics are given. The presentation and meaning of the organization of the education process based on the ideas of convergence and collaboration are expanded, 10 characteristics are developed that combine these two phenomena in the education process for the effective achievement of the goal.
education; educational activity; educational model; collaboration and convergence in education

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