Melyakova Olga Alexandrovna
Кандидат технических наук, Associate Professor of the Department of Technosphere Safety, State Agrarian University of the Northern Trans-Urals, melyakovaoa@gausz.ru, Tyumen

Features of Distance Educational Technologies within the Framework Implemented by the Federal State Educational Standard

This article discusses the main normative documents regulating the forms and levels of professional training of students. Special attention is paid to the features of distance learning technologies (DOT) implemented as part of correspondence education at the agrarian University. The purpose of the research article is the application of new educational technologies in higher education. Research methodology and methods: theoretical analysis and descriptive method, including methods of comparative analysis of developed materials. In the course of this work, a comparative analysis of educational and methodological complexes of disciplines developed by the teaching staff was carried out. The results of the study. The university has developed an approximate structure of methodological materials, which includes an educational and methodological manual, funds of evaluation tools and additional educational and methodological materials. The approximate structure of the lesson in blocks is revealed: organizational, student and certification. Conclusion. Based on the studied materials, a generalizing conclusion can be drawn. The developed regulatory framework clearly regulates the organization and procedure for conducting distance learning.
higher education; distance learning technologies; correspondence courses; students; teaching staff; training; educational and methodological complex of disciplines; teaching materials

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