Sidorchuk Sofiia Dmitrievna
postgraduate student at the Institute of History, Humanitarian and Social Education, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, sonyasidorchuk@yandex.ru, Novosibirsk

Formation and Training of the Staff of Preschool Institutions in Western Siberia in the 1920s–1930s

The article analyzes the process of formation and training of personnel for preschool institutions in Western Siberia in 1920–1930s. Based on the use of archival materials, the process of training preschool workers in 1920–1930s is characterized, the key points of work in kindergartens in cities and villages of Western Siberia in accordance with the goals of state policy in the specified period are determined. A comprehensive analysis of methodological recommendations and materials for work in preschool institutions allowed to identify the main directions of professional training of teachers. The aim of the article is to reveal the process of formation and training of the staff of preschool institutions in Western Siberia in 1920–1930s. Methodology. The methodological basis of the research was formed by a set of general scientific principles, among which the leading place belongs to: the principles of dialectics, historicism, objectivity, integrity of approach in the process of studying and evaluating the revealed facts, the systematic nature of the phenomena and processes under consideration; the principles of scientific and pedagogical research. The historical-system method contributed to the consideration of the functioning of preschool institutions as a single integrated system within the framework of the relationship “kindergarten – pedagogical staff”. Results of the study. The conclusion is made that the process of formation of staff composition of preschool institutions in Western Siberia in 1920-1930 was influenced by the following factors. The organization of kindergarten staff training consisted of short-term courses, which began to open actively from the early 1920s in the cities of Western Siberia. The system of short-term courses could not always correspond to the actual work in kindergartens. Despite the active development of the network of preschool institutions by the 1930s, kindergartens still needed more professional staff.
preschool childhood; kindergartens; preschool education; history of kindergartens; preschool institutions; staffing; Western Siberia; 1920–1930s

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