Tyulina Anastasia S.
adjunct of the Institute, Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, tyulya_n@mail.ru, Voronezh

Implementation of Contextual learning Technology in the Formation of Professional and legal culture of Cadets at a Departmental University

The article actualizes the problem of forming the professional and legal culture of cadets of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia using contextual technology. The topic under consideration is more relevant than ever, since the main task in training cadets of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the present stage is not only the formation of relevant special knowledge in them, but also the development of certain personal qualities necessary for future employees of internal affairs bodies for the competent implementation of professional activities. A key position in the professional activity of an employee is played by professional and legal culture, which determines the degree to which students have mastered their profession and their readiness to perform it well. The article analyzes the implementation of contextual technology in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, aimed at developing a professional and legal culture among cadets, which is an integral quality of the personality of an internal affairs officer. The understanding of the categories “context” and “contextual technology” is analyzed, and some imperfections of the traditional approach to training cadets are noted. The article presents the leading forms of activity in the implementation of contextual technology: educational activities of the academic type, quasi-professional, educational-professional. The purpose of the study is to develop contextual technology that contributes to the formation of professional and legal culture of cadets of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Methodology. The study was conducted using theoretical research methods and involved the development of contextual technology as an effective means of developing the professional and legal culture of cadets of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In conclusion, it is concluded that the developed contextual technology makes it possible to improve the formation of professional legal culture among cadets as an integral quality of a specialist.
context; contextual training; contextual technology; cadets of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; professional and legal culture

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