Mudrik Anatoly
Доктор педагогических наук, Dr. Sci. (Pedag.), Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Psychology, Moscow Pedagogical State University, amudrik@yandex.ru, Moscow

Human Isolation as a Socio-Pedagogical Problem

The article presents the author’s concept of human isolation as a socio-pedagogical problem. Weak interest to the problem of human isolation in modern socio-humanitarian knowledge is stated and several explanations are offered. The purpose of the article: to characterise human isolation in society as a socio-cultural and psychological-pedagogical phenomenon and a socio-pedagogical problem Methodology. The proposed concept was the result of many years of research, which included the analysis of historical, philosophical, ethnographic, sociological, socio-psychological and pedagogical sources, as well as a variety of empirical materials, which together became the basis of the proposed concept. Results of the study. The isolation is considered in two aspects: the isolation of man as a generic being in phylogenesis and the isolation of a specific individual in specific communities in ontogenesis. Both aspects are meaningfully disclosed. In turn, the isolation of a concrete individual in ontogenesis also has two aspects: social and individual, which are also disclosed in the text. The article analyses different variants of the content of definitions of isolation and gives a variant of the socio-pedagogical definition of this concept.
socialization; person; individual; personality; individuality; phylogeny; ontogenesis; isolation; adaptation; communication; solitude

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