Kuvshinova Galina A.
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Assoc. Prof., Rector, National Institute of Design, nid@nid-design.org, Moscow

The Modern Content of the Concept of “Design” in the Context of Design Education

The article attempts to study the concept of “design” from the point of view of modern approaches to its understanding in the context of training relevant and in-demand personnel. The purpose of the article is to analyze the variety of approaches to the definition of the concept of “design” for a clear understanding of what is the object of the designer’s activity in the context of his training. The research methodology was based on the concepts of connectevism, design thinking and the generation of meanings in design. The main research methods are a systematic analysis of generally accepted interpretations of the concept of “design”, a generalization of existing approaches to the definition of the concept under study. The semantic analysis of the concept of “design” presented in the article will, in our opinion, allow us to take a fresh look at the modern content of design education in terms of training highly qualified and in-demand specialists. As a conclusion, the author believes that design education today cannot be reduced to training a specialist with a diploma in design. Design education primarily involves the formation of design thinking, a variety of inter- and meta-subject skills that cannot be formed by studying a set of disciplines alone. This is an education that involves a high level of reflection on understanding the essence of the very concept of “design”. However, the content of this concept, as it appears in the article, depends on a number of factors and is formed at the intersection of various discourses, which modern science has to discover and fix.
design; connectevism concept; design thinking; design in design; generation of meanings in design

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