Tropnikova Valeriya Valerievna
lecturer, Novosibirsk Medical College, Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management, tropnikova@inbox.ru, Novosibirsk

Digital instruments in the educational environment of the system of secondary vocational education

The application of digital laboratories using digital sensors and microscopy in chemistry teaching is considered. Their influence on improving the quality of students’ professional training in the conditions of digital transformation of educational environment in curricular and extracurricular training trajectories is evaluated. The aim of the article is to analyze the effectiveness of using digital laboratories; to identify the advantages and potential difficulties of implementing these technologies in the educational process; to develop recommendations for teachers on the optimal use of digital tools in the conditions of digital transformation of education. Methodology. The study includes literature review, experiential learning using digital labs, student and faculty questionnaires, and statistical analysis of data to assess the impact of digital tools on chemistry instruction in medical school. Results. It has been demonstrated that mastering theoretical material in chemistry and the conscious application of digital laboratories during practical sessions contribute to a deeper understanding of chemical processes, enhance students’ motivation to study the subject, and improve their practical skills. This, in turn, leads to an overall increase in academic achievements and the effectiveness of the educational process. Extracurricular trajectories and interdisciplinary projects partially offset the lack of instructional hours by integrating knowledge from various fields, ultimately enhancing the overall value and flexibility of the educational process. Conclusion. It is determined that the educational environment, integrating a set of teaching tools, including digital laboratories and microscopy, into the system of secondary medical education, as well as expanding the use of not only curricular but also extracurricular learning trajectories, promotes deep learning of theoretical material and development of necessary practical skills and professional competencies. Extracurricular learning trajectories effectively compensate for the limited number of teaching hours in chemistry, providing a deeper understanding and application of knowledge.
educational environment; system of secondary vocational education; digital laboratories and microscopy; curricular and extracurricular trajectories

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