37.091.3:57 (045)
Jakunchev Mihail Aleksandrovich
Доктор педагогических наук, Dr. Sci. (Pedag.), Prof. of the Department of Biology, Geography and Teaching Methods, M. E. Evseviev Mordovian State Pedagogical University, mprof@list.ru, Saransk
Markinov Ivan Fedorovich
Кандидат педагогических наук, Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Biology, Geography and Teaching Methods, M. E. Evseviev Mordovian State Pedagogical University, mark33@list.ru, Saransk
Osinin Roman V.
graduate student of the Department of Biology, Geography and Teaching Methods, M. E. Evseviev Mordovian State Pedagogical University, osinin.r.v@list.ru, Saransk

Methodological Conditions for the Formation of Natural Science Literacy of Students when Studying the Human Body in School Biology

The article actualizes the problem of the formation of natural science literacy of students. Its development takes place during the study of academic subjects, including biology with a section on man as a biosocial being. The potential of the section in the formation of this literacy is indicated if methodological conditions are determined. The purpose of the article. Clarification and general characteristics of the methodological conditions for the purposeful formation of functional literacy of students in the study of the human body in school biology for their further concretization and upcoming experimental testing in subject training. Research methodology. It is presented as part of the general scientific (philosophical) idea of personal improvement, specifically scientific (pedagogical), which is expressed by the socio-cultural approach, the principle of connection between theory and practice of teaching and the provision on the activation of cognitive activity of students. Research methods. Analysis of the literature to determine the methodological conditions for the formation of functional literacy of students, description of their essential characteristics; abstraction, generalization, systematization and generalization of research materials. Conclusion. For the formation of natural science literacy of students in the study of the human body, methodological conditions have been identified and meaningfully filled in – the specification of goals and objectives, the definition of educational material, the allocation and use of forms of organization and teaching methods, the performance of practice-oriented tasks.
general education in biology; students; methodological conditions for the formation of natural science literacy in the study of the human body

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