Scryabina Darya Yuryevna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Assoc. Prof., Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Glazovsky State Engineering Pedagogical University, dar-skryabina@yandex.ru, Glazov

Pedagogical Support for the Development of Advanced Skills among Students with Special Educational Needs in the Context of Gamification

The scientific review article presents the rationale for a doctoral dissertation research related to the problem of developing superprofessional skills in children with special educational needs (children with mental and physical development disorders, emigrant children, children in difficult life situations, gifted and other categories of children) in conditions for the implementation of gamification as an element of systemic pedagogical support of the educational process. The idea of transition and use of gamification in the educational environment as a condition for the implementation of the educational process is relevant today. Gamification is very actively used in education as a tool for motivating students, systematizing new knowledge and consolidating learned material, as well as an element of reflection of acquired knowledge among students. The category of superprofessional skills from the general category of the terminological base of modern educational processes, including in sociology, philosophy, psychology and business, analysis of their various interpretations and elements. The terms studied do not always have pedagogical content, although transprofessional skills are mainly formed in educational activities. Among the variety of available concepts in the study of superprofessional skills, a number of directions in understanding and their application stand out. The purpose of the article is to present a theoretical basis for creating a concept of pedagogical support for the development of advanced skills for students with special educational needs in the context of gamification. Methodology: the main research approaches are axiological, practice-oriented, socio-cultural, and competency-based. Conclusion: gamification is quite effective not only for normotypical children, but also for children with special needs. In this regard, there is an increasing need for a more in-depth analysis and pedagogical content of the concept of “gamification”, the development of its classification and universal technology for more effective organization of the educational process with students.
transprofessional skills; gamification; pedagogical support; children with special educational needs; concept of pedagogical support in gamification

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