Kryukov Victor Vasilyevich
Доктор философских наук, Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Prof., Chef of the Department of Philosophy, Novosibirsk State Tecnical University, krukovzav@mail.ru, Novosibirsk


In offered article the author is going to show, that process of socialization of the person has not only diachronic character, that is time, but also in the modal parameters connected to imposing on the actuall existence and display in it of weight of opportunities which the person experiences not only in the real life, but in the imagination, in space of spirit, is illusory and it is ideal. Or: not materially among bodies, but as immitation among models, images and marks. Now it is accepted for naming a virtual reality. It is shown too, that in a role of the subject of dialogue can act: the person, social group, public institute. In philosophical typology it is possible to allocate direct and indirect dialogue. In direct dialogue jointness of human activity is carried out. Transformed interaction shows dialogue of the subjects divided in space or in time. In the modern world with development of information technologies of an opportunity of dialogue went on new – an interactive level when the virtual reality rushes into multiplicated dialogue.
virtuality, a modality, interaction, dialogue, social subjects, evolution of forms of interaction, dialogue in a virtual reality.