УДК 37.018
Rudenko Irina Victorovna
Доктор педагогических наук, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of Pedagogy and teaching methods, Togliatti State University, ivrudenko@rambler.ru, Togliatti
Pisarenko Danila A.
Кандидат педагогических наук, Assoc. Prof. of the Department of “Pedagogy and Psychology”, Tolyatti State University, dpisaren@gmail.com, Togliatti

Innovative educational practices in the digital environment – space of youth growing up

The article actualizes the idea that education is considered one of the factors in the maturation of student youth. The digital environment of a modern university assumes the full participation of students in educational and extracurricular activities, which can be considered as the basis for the implementation of tasks in the field of education of student youth. The purpose of the article is a theoretical understanding and systematization of innovative educational practices of universities in the digital environment and the study of their impact on the social and psychological maturation of students, the development of personal potential. The methodology and methods of the research are based on the analysis of pedagogical literature in the field of the theory of educational systems, the use of systemic, axiological, event, personal-social approaches in the education of students; psychological, pedagogical and sociological studies studying the phenomenon of “maturing”; comparison of the practical experience of educational activities of modern educational organizations. The empirical study was conducted on the basis of Togliatti State University. The main methods of data collection were questionnaires and interviews with students and youth workers. The data obtained during the study allowed us to systematize and propose a classification of innovative educational practices in the digital environment of the university. Research results. Based on the theoretical analysis of pedagogical literature, the authors confirm that there are no studies that reveal the concept of “innovative educational practices”. The article proves the thesis that modern educational practices should be developed taking into account the achievements of scientific schools in the field of education, focus on the system of traditional Russian values; rely on the research paradigm in the field of studying the phenomenon of growing up. The authors present a classification of forms of extracurricular educational activities based on the method of organizing it in a spatio-temporal format: traditional, hybrid, virtual. Based on the organization and study of the activities of the vocal studio created in the virtual environment of Togliatti State University, the possibility of student development is proved. The results of the study expand knowledge about hybrid and virtual forms of work with students in the digital environment of the university. The proposed strategies for choosing them allowed the authors to formulate requirements for expanding the competencies of the teaching staff in the field of education.
higher education; students; digital environment; innovative educational practices; growing up

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