Bulankina Nadezhda Efimovna
Доктор философских наук, Dr. Sci. (Pedag.), Assoc. Prof, Novosibirsk Institute of Professional Skills Improvement and Vocational Retraining of Education Workers, nebn@yandex.ru, Novosibirsk
Sidel’nik Ellina A.
Кандидат социологических наук, Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Foreign languages, Institute of Management in Economic, Environmental and Social Systems of Southern Federal University, elsidelnik@sfedu.ru, Taganrog

Upgrading Educational Spaces of Non-Linguistic Universities

In the work carried out in the light of updating the problem of radical renewal of the information and educational environment of a non-linguistic university, a description of the essence and main components of the student learning model within the framework of the university course “Foreign Language for Special Purposes” was proposed, on the basis of which the methodology of the integration and competence approach. The purpose of the article is to present the results of an applied study conducted by the authors at the Institute of Computer Technology and Information Security of SFU, aimed at developing scientific and methodological support for teaching foreign languages in the university course “Foreign Language for Special Purposes.” The research methodology covers the theoretical justification, generalization and analysis of the data obtained, the design of the educational process by means of the author’s textbook on a foreign language for special purposes as part of the integration approach as the most valuable in a non-linguistic university. Based on a critical study of scientific works on the categorization of educational literature, requirements for the content and structure of textbooks, the authors recognize integration and competence approaches as a priority for this research. To design a foreign-language professional information and educational environment for students of the Institute of Computer Technologies and Information Security, the results of monitoring and diagnosing the level of readiness of SFU students to work within the framework of the author’s course in the desired discipline were used, including written and oral texts obtained during training in multi-level groups, taking into account the specifics of the university. Study results. The article presents a generalization of modern practice of teaching foreign languages, covering the implementation of three priority positions regarding the development of a value model for updating the information and educational environment with the intellectual resources of the author’s textbook. Didactic developments and teaching materials within the framework of the author’s textbook, tested by teachers of graduating departments and students of SFU, as well as teachers and students of the Department of Foreign Language Education of NIPKiPRO (Novosibirsk Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Educators), were updated. The results obtained were analyzed in organizational-pedagogical, content-technological and criterion-evaluation aspects. In conclusion the main final concepts of the research are formulated regarding the need to update the information and educational environment of a non-linguistic university in the process of learning a foreign language for specific purposes. The most productive approach is the value approach in light of the interdisciplinary paradigm of organizing foreign language education, allowing the cultivation of a natural communicative environment through foreign language professional vocabulary and culture. Moreover, the author’s educational, methodological and educational literature plays an important role in the design of the professional educational environment of a modern non-linguistic university.
axiology of information and educational space; foreign language; model of textbook; online course

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