Fetisov Alexandr S.
Доктор педагогических наук, Dr. Sci. (Pedag.), Assoc. Prof., Voronezh State Pedagogical University, asfet-2011@mail.ru, Voronezh
Shevtsova Mariia Alexandrovna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Head of the English Department of Voronezh State Pedagogical University, Voronezh State Pedagogical University, shevmar@rambler.ru, Voronezh

The Technologies for Developing Multicultural Qualities in the Personality of the Future Teacher

The article presents a retrospective analysis of the concept of “pedagogical technology”. The typology of modern pedagogical technologies that form professionally important personality qualities of a future teacher at a pedagogical university is given, among which: teaching technologies; technologies for working with, accumulating and systematizing information; technologies for actualizing the potential of participants in the educational process; expert assessment technologies; ICT technologies. The use of contextual-network technologies and personally developing situations for forming the multicultural personality quality of a future teacher as a professionally important trait is theoretically justified. The purpose of the article is a retrospective analysis of the concept of “pedagogical technology” and justification of the effectiveness of using contextual-network technology and technology of personally developing situation as modern educational technologies for the formation of a multicultural personality quality of a future teacher in a pedagogical university. The methodology is based on the study of general approaches to the formation of professionally important qualities of a teacher’s personality in general and the formation of a multicultural personality quality of a future teacher in particular, as well as on the consideration of leading concepts in order to select relevant pedagogical technologies for the formation of a multicultural personality quality of a future teacher. The theoretical research method is the main one and includes an analysis of the literature on the research problem, synthesis, generalization, and interpretation of data. In conclusion, it is noted that “pedagogical technology” is not a static element, but responds to the changes taking place in modern society and education. Today, technology can become a means, form, method, technique, if it is an algorithmic way of interaction of all subjects involved in the educational process, based on optimal teaching and upbringing conditions, characterized by a conscious choice of effective methods on the part of the teacher for the assimilation of knowledge and the formation of competencies of students. The use of contextual-network technology and the personally developing situation of multicultural mediation for the formation of the multicultural personality quality of future teachers is theoretically justified.
pedagogical technology; multicultural quality of the teacher’s personality; typology of pedagogical technologies; contextual network technology; personally developing situation of multicultural mediation

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