Shepshinskaya Inna Mihailovna
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Senior lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages, shepshinskaya.inna@yandex.ru, Novosibirsk

Teaching Foreign Language Professionally Oriented Communication to Students – Future Teachers of the English Language in the Digital Educational Environment of a Pedagogical University

The article is devoted to the problem of teaching foreign language professionally oriented communication to students – future teachers of the English language in the digital educational environment of a pedagogical university. The purpose of the research is to create and present the structural model of a digital educational environment of a communicative-contextual type, in which with the help of digital teaching methods, technologies and digital teaching tools, the communicative contexts of the future professional activity of students – future foreign language teachers are modeled. The methodology of the research is presented with the help of such research methods as analysis and generalization of theoretical positions of competence-based, contextual (A. A. Verbitsky, V. G. Kalashnikov, O. I. Shcherbakova), environmental (S. V. Krivykh, T. N. Noskova, S. V. Tarasov) approaches. The modeling method was used as a general scientific method for presentation of the research results. The novelty of the research. The author of the article introduces the term «digital educational environment of a communicative-contextual type", gives its definition and describes the components of this environment. It is concluded that the content of professionally oriented communicative training of students – future English language teachers in a digital educational environment of a communicative-contextual type is presented in digital learning environments of a contextual type. The minimal didactic units of the content of a foreign language professionally oriented communicative training are presented to students in digital learning environments with the help of communicative situations of a pedagogical discourse of an English language teacher. The results of the study. A model of a digital educational environment of a communicative- contextual type is presented and described. In this digital educational environment with the help of the whole system of digital information resources and methods of contextual learning, foreign language professional communicative competency of students – future English language teachers is formed.
digital educational environment; digital learning environments of a contextual type; methods of contextual teaching; professional communication competency

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