Moskvitin Pavel Nikolaevich
Кандидат медицинских наук, Cand. Sci. (Med.), Assoc. Prof., Head of the Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Narcology, Novokuznetsk State Institute of Postgraduate Medical, Novosibirsk Research Institute of hygiene of Rosportebnadzor of the Russian Federation, Novokuznetsk State Institute of Postgraduate Medical, Novosibirsk Research Institute of hygiene of Rosportebnadzor of the Russian Federation, moskvitinpn@mail.ru, Novokuznetsk – Novosibirsk
Aizman Nina Igorevna
Кандидат психологических наук, Cand. Sci. (Psychol.), Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Pedagogics and Psychology, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, nina.aizman@mail.ru, Novosibirsk
Poptsov Dmitriy A.
History and Social Studies Teacher, Gymnasium No. 55 named after E. G. Verstkina, dilfinss@mail.ru, Tomsk


In article the analysis of the basic methodological approaches to carrying out of primary preventive actions to maintenance the dependence on psychoactive substances at children and teenagers is carried out. It was revealed positive and negative sides of each direction: information, affective (emotional) training; social taking into account a family and an environment; activity alternative to drugs; health promotion. The innovative psychohygienic approach to minimisation of risk of dependence formation on psychoactive substances at schoolchildren is proved. The structurally-logic scheme of carrying out of typical training of a preventive psychodrama is resulted.
risk, psychoactive substances, psychohygiene, method of a preventive psychodrama, preventive maintenance of addictive behaviour, value and belief of a healthy life style.

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