Evdokimova Evgenia Yurevna
Graduate of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Institute of History, Humanities and Social Education, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Jenefer_91@mail.ru, Novosibirsk


The purpose of writing of this article was specification of the content of the concept “civil education” at different stages of development of the Soviet pedagogics and identification of a place of this problem from a position of today. The analysis of formation of idea of civil education in domestic pedagogics in ontologic, epistemological and gnoseological aspects is presented in article. The appeal to the analysis of this problem allows to claim that the person has an objective requirement to realize themselves part of the state and civil society, and the relation to the state is formed through education. According to the author, need to specify the content of the concept “civil education” taking into account new approaches of pedagogics, uses of new forms, methods and technologies was created today.
ontological aspect, epistemological aspect, epistemological dimension, popular education, civic education, patriotic education, citizenship, civic identity.

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